Happy Monday!

Did we have a good weekend?

I was going to post an article about positive body image, however, this weekend in a fit of grrrrrr anger, I laid waste to not onE box, but TWO boxes of Samoias.

Ah yes, the Girl Scouts are pedaling their sugar drugs at every door of every store imaginable and I have absolutely NO self control!

Two boxes of chocolaty coconut fatty goodness.  I took cheating to a whole new level!

So today, I begin drinking an ocean of water to correct said weekend.

hmmm mmmmm

Thornton Face Palm richardarmitagenet.com

Yeah. I feel the same way.


5 thoughts on “Happy Monday!

  1. All I can think is that my hubs would approve of your tasty menu choices, he loves loves loves those chocolatey fatty tasty 🍪 cookies. I usually order four boxes for him every year. I never see him eat them but I also never seem to notice them lying around the pantry either. Nor, come to think of it, the empty boxes . . . I should probably pay attention more. 😊

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